
Finding Compassion

My dear friend Susie on the importance of maintaining a stance of compassion in the midst of exposing corruption, injustice, etc.

I have not ever experienced the Great Cosmic Fuck of which she rhapsodizes. My experiences of the divine have always been like drips in the ceiling: little glimpses that keep me from falling back asleep, but too small to get me to jump all the way out of this warm bed. I can find a place of compassion well enough to preach it to my friends when they're hurting, but when it comes to my own pain, I'm as lost and blinded as anyone. To which Susie always says, "if it was easy, it wouldn't be compassion, would it?" Anyway, go read. It's poignant and lovely and gives good insight into why she's the one I call when I'm feeling helpless.


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